Luigi Presicce

Art Center

Fri 13 Feb 2016 at 4:30 pm

Il sogno della cascata di costantino

video installation

With his enigmatic performances for solitary viewer, Luigi Presicce creates surrealist tableaux vivants with a wealth of esoteric symbols and references.

The performance produced for the Alfred Jarry Archipelago programme, ’HA ’HA (Florence, October 2015) at the Museo Marino Marini, is part of a cycle that the artist began in 2012 with The Legend of the True Cross, inspired by the Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine (1228-1298). We are confronted by iconography from Piero della Francesca’s fresco Constantine’s Dream juxtaposed with one of the most mysterious of Marcel Duchamp’s works, Etant donnés. From this performance, the artist has made a thoughtful film in which an alternation of close-ups and long shots accentuates the tableau vivant dimension. It is accompanied by 1. the sound of The Waterfall, 2. the light of the Illuminating Gas.


In Luigi Presicce’s work, series of images are compulsively assembled to create a narrative of symbols and allegorical figures condensed in time. The creative process behind each work does not follow a precise structure; it is progressively added to by research into a specific theme. Prescice’s practice is presented as a contemporary reworking of myths, stories and classical symbols. In all his works, the symbolic power of the image is very intense. He reinforces the visual world of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento, from which he draws his many references, with a popular iconography arising from collective and personal
memory and related to more ancient traditions and beliefs.



Courtesy of the artist

Production Luigi Presicce, Museo Marino Marini, Institut français de Florence, Galleria Bianconi – Milan


Performance Day is coproduced with the Playground festival, (STUK Kunstencentrum & M-Museum Leuven), with support from the Agency for Arts and Heritage of Flanders, as part of the project "Alfred Jarry Archipelago" initiated by La Ferme du Buisson Centre for Contemporary Art in Noisiel (France), Le Quartier Centre for Contemporary Art in Quimper (France) and Museo Marino Marini in Florence (Italy). The venture is part of Piano, the Franco-Italian art exchange platform, in collaboration with M-Museum and the STUK Kunstencentrum in the framework of Playground in Leuven (Belgium).




infos pratiques

from 16:30 to 18:30

at the Grenier